李程 教授/博导 学科(方向):眼表疾病发生机制 所在系部:眼视光学系 办公电话:0592-2183761 邮箱:cheng-li@xmu.edu.cn |


角膜上皮干细胞,作为角膜上皮的唯一细胞来源,对维持角膜上皮的动态稳定和角膜透明性发挥着极其重要的作用。角膜上皮干细胞功能障碍(limbal stem cell dysfunction,LSCD)的患者由于干细胞数量的缺乏或定向分化潜能丢失,往往表现为眼表组织广泛破坏,发生持续性角膜上皮缺损、慢性炎症、角膜上皮结膜化和新生血管侵入,继而角膜透明度下降,造成患者严重视力障碍甚至失明。大量研究证明,p38MAPK, Wnt, Notch等多种信号传导通路参与并调节了LSCD的发生进程。深入研究多条通路之间交叉作用的具体机制,必将为我们认识角膜上皮干细胞的生物学特性,阐明LSCD的发病机理提供重要信息。
2000-2004 东北师范大学生命科学学院生物技术专业 理学学士;
2004-2007 厦门大学生命科学学院细胞生物学学专业 理学硕士;
2007-2010厦门大学生命科学学院细胞生物学学专业 理学博士;
2011-2014 厦门大学医学院 助理教授;
2014-2021 厦门大学医学院 副教授;
2015 肯塔基大学药学院 访问学者;
2016 辛辛那提大学医学院 访问学者;
2021-至今 厦门大学医学院 教授;
1. Kang H, Han Y, Jin M, Zheng L, Liu Z, Xue Y*, Liu Z*, Li C*. Decellularized squid mantle scaffolds as tissue-engineered corneal stroma for promoting corneal regeneration. Bioeng Transl Med. 2023;e10531
2. Han Y#, Jiang L#, Shi H#, Xu C, Liu M, Li Q, Zheng L, Chi H, Wang Y, Liu Z, You M, Loh X, Wu Y*, Li Z*, Li C*. Effectiveness of an ocular adhesive polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane hybrid thermo-responsive FK506 hydrogel in a murine model of dry eye. Bioact Mater. 2021 Jul 28;9:77-91.
3. Jin M, Wang Y, An X, Kang H, Wang Y, Wang G, Gao Y, Wu S, Reinach P, Liu Z, Xue Y, Li C*. Phenotypic and transcriptomic changes in the corneal epithelium following exposure to cigarette smoke. Environmental Pollution. 2021, 117540,
4. Han Y#, Xu C#, Shi H#, Yu F, Zhong Y, Liu Z, Loh X, Wu Y*, Li Z*, Li C*. Engineered bio-adhesive polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane hybrid nanoformulation of amphotericin B for prolonged therapy of fungal keratitis. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2021, 421, 129734
5. Wang G, Chen P, Wang Y, Wang Y, Reinach PS, Xue Y, Liu Z*, Li C*. Onion Epithelial Membrane Scaffolds Transfer Corneal Epithelial Layers in Reconstruction Surgery. Adv Healthc Mater. 2020 Jul;9(14):e2000469.
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,m6A甲基转移酶Mettl3在角膜鳞状上皮化生中的作用及机制研究,2021.1-2024.12,55万,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,自噬在角膜内皮损伤中的作用及机制研究,2018.1-2021.12,56万,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,Brd4调控角膜上皮干细胞的机理研究,2015.1-2018.12,72万,主持
4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,Hif-1α在眼表鳞状上皮化生中的功能研究,2012.1-2014.12,23万,主持
5. 厦门大学“生命科学与人类健康学科群”学科发展项目,PKHD1基因在虹膜-角膜内皮综合征发生中的作用及机制研究,2019.1-2020.12,40万,主持
6. 厦门大学校长基金项目,Brd4在眼表LSCD发生中功能研究,2015.1-2016.12,50万,主持
7. 华夏转化医学青年基金项目,植物源性组织工程角膜上皮载体的开发与应用,2017.7-2020.6,30万,主持
8. 厦门市重要重大疾病联合攻关项目,眼化学伤的早期精准诊断与快速重建的临床研究,2016.1-2018.12,20万,主持
9. 福建省自然科学基金面上项目,溴基结构域蛋白4调控角膜缘干细胞的机理研究,2015.4-2018.4,5万,主持
1. Yang D, Han Y, Wang Y, Pan Y, Zheng L, Liu Z*, Li C*, Wu Y*, Li H*. Highly effective corneal permeability of reactive oxygen species-responsive nano-formulation encapsulated cyclosporine a for dry eye management. Chem Eng J. 2023; 469: 143968
2. Kang H, Han Y, Jin M, Zheng L, Liu Z, Xue Y*, Liu Z*, Li C*. Decellularized squid mantle scaffolds as tissue-engineered corneal stroma for promoting corneal regeneration. Bioeng Transl Med. 2023;e10531
3. Xu L, Hou S, Huang X, Wang M, Li C*, Dong N*, Lin Z*. Highly sensitive homogeneous electrochemiluminescence biosensor for microRNA-155 based on enzyme-free cascade signal amplification and magnetic assisted enrichment. J Elec Chem. 2023, 933: 117274
4. Tang Y#, Han Y#, Zhao J, Lv Y, Fan C, Zheng L, Zhang Z, Liu Z*, Li C*, Lin Y*. A Rational Design of a Metal-Organic Framework Nanozyme with High-Performance Copper Active Centers for Alleviating Chemical Corneal Burns. Nanomicro Lett. 2023 Apr 30;15(1):112.
5. Bao X, Zhong Y, Yang C, Chen Y, Han Y, Lin X, Huang C, Wang K*, Liu Z*, Li C*. T-Cell Repertoire Analysis in the Conjunctiva of Murine Dry Eye Model. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2023 Mar 1;64(3):14.
6. Wang Y#, Kang H#, Jin M, Wang G, Ma W, Liu Z, Xue Y*, Li C*. Phenotypic and Transcriptomics Analyses Reveal Underlying Mechanisms in a Mouse Model of Corneal Bee Sting. Toxins (Basel). 2022 Jul 8;14(7):468.
7. Zhong Y#, Fang X#, Wang X, Lin Y, Wu H*, Li C*. Effects of Sodium Hyaluronate Eye Drops With or Without Preservatives on Ocular Surface Bacterial Microbiota. Front Med. 2022 Feb 14;9:793565.
8. Zong R, Zhu F, Han W, Wang Y, Wang G, Wang Y, Mao Y, Guan T, Liu Z, Xue Y*, Li C*. Tear dynamics testing and quantitative proteomics analysis in patients with chronic renal failure. J Proteomics. 2021 Aug 16:104351.
9. Wang G,An X,Jin M, Wang X, Zong R, Liu Z, Liu Z, Xue Y*, Li C*. Real-time confocal microscopy imaging of corneal cytoarchitectural changes induced by different stresses. Exp Eye Res. 2021 Sep;210:108706.
10. Li Z, Liu M, Ke J, Wang J, Wu C, Li C*, Li Z*, Wu Y*. Flexible polymeric nanosized micelles for ophthalmic drug delivery: research progress in the last three years. Nanoscale Adv. 2021, 3 (18) , 5240-5254
11. Han Y#, Jiang L#, Shi H#, Xu C, Liu M, Li Q, Zheng L, Chi H, Wang Y, Liu Z, You M, Loh X, Wu Y*, Li Z*, Li C*. Effectiveness of an ocular adhesive polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane hybrid thermo-responsive FK506 hydrogel in a murine model of dry eye. Bioact Mater. 2021 Jul 28;9:77-91.
12. Jin M, Wang Y, An X, Kang H, Wang Y, Wang G, Gao Y, Wu S, Reinach P, Liu Z, Xue Y, Li C*. Phenotypic and transcriptomic changes in the corneal epithelium following exposure to cigarette smoke. Environ Pollut. 2021 Oct 15;287:117540.
13. An X, Wang G, Jin M, ZhouX, Gao S, Chen J, Reinach P, Liu Z, Xue Y*, Li C*. Novel Cell Culture Paradigm Prolongs Mouse Corneal Epithelial Cell Proliferative Activity in vitro and in vivo. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021 Jun 30; 9:675998.
14. Han Y#, Xu C#, Shi H#, Yu F, Zhong Y, Liu Z, Loh X, Wu Y*, Li Z*, Li C*. Engineered bio-adhesive polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane hybrid nanoformulation of amphotericin B for prolonged therapy of fungal keratitis. Chem Eng J. 2021, 421, 129734.
15. Dong N#*, Cai Q#, Li Z, Xu L, Wu H, Lin Z, Qiu B, Li C*, Lin Z*. Convenient hyaluronidase biosensors based on the target-trigger enhancing of the permeability of a membrane using an electronic balance as a readout. Analyst. 2021 May 17;146(10):3299-3304.
16. Tao Y, Luo F, Lin Y, Dong N*, Li C*, Lin Z*. Quantitative gold nanorods based photothermal biosensor for glucose using a thermometer as readout. Talanta. 2021 Aug 1;230:122364.
17. Ma W, Wang G, Li X, Wu H, Liu Z, Dong N*, Li C*. Study of Factors Influencing Dry Eye in Rheumatoid Arthritis. J Ophthalmol. 2020 Aug 8;2020:5768679.
18. Wang G, Chen P, Wang Y, Wang Y, Reinach PS, Xue Y, Liu Z*, Li C*. Onion Epithelial Membrane Scaffolds Transfer Corneal Epithelial Layers in Reconstruction Surgery. Adv Healthc Mater. 2020 Jul;9(14):e2000469.
19. Jin M, Wang Y, Wang Y, Li Y, Wang G, Liu X, Xue Y*, Liu Z, Li C*. Protective effects on corneal endothelium during intracameral irrigation using N-(2)-L-alanyl-L-glutamine. Front Pharmacol. 2020 Mar 27;11:369.
20. Han Y#, Li C#*, Cai Q, Bao X, Tang L, Ao H, Liu J, Jin M, Zhou Y, Wan Y, Liu Z*. Studies on bacterial cellulose/poly vinyl alcohol (BC/PVA) hydrogel composites as tissue-engineered corneal stroma. Biomed Mater. 2020 Apr 30;15(3):035022.
21. Wang G, Xue Y, Wang Y, Dong F, Shen M, Zong R, Liu Z*, Li C*. The role of autophagy in the pathogenesis of exposure keratitis. J Cell Mol Med. 2019 Jun;23(6):4217-4228.
22. Yang Q, Tang L, Shen M, Wang Y, Wei Y, Jeyalatha V, Chen P, Dong F, Wang G, Wu S, Liu Z*, Li C*. Effects of diesel exhaust particles on the condition of mouse ocular surface. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2018 Nov 15;163:585-593.
23. Wang G, Dong N, Wang Y, Li J, Dong F, Jeyalatha V, Wu J, Shen M, Yang Q, Chen P, Xue Y, Liu Z, Li C*. Epithelial dysplasia in pterygium postoperative granuloma. Exp Eye Res. 2018 Oct;175:199-206.
24. Li J#, Li C#, Wang G, Liu Z, Chen P, Yang Q, Dong N, Wu H, Liu Z*, Li W*. APR-246/PRIMA-1Met Inhibits and Reverses Squamous Metaplasia in Human Conjunctival Epithelium. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2016 Feb;57(2):444-52.
25. Li C, Dong N, Wu H, Dong F, Xu Y, Du H, He H, Liu Z*, Li W*. A novel method for preservation of human corneal limbal tissue. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2013 Jun 10;54(6):4041-7.
26. Li C, Dong F, Jia Y, Du H, Dong N, Xu Y, Wang S, Wu H, Liu Z*, Li W*. Notch signal regulates corneal endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Am J Pathol. 2013 Sep;183(3):786-95.
27. Li C, Yin T, Dong N, Dong F, Fang X, Qu YL, Tan Y, Wu H, Liu Z*, Li W*. Oxygen tension affects terminal differentiation of corneal limbal epithelial cells. J Cell Physiol. 2011 Sep;226(9):2429-37.
28. 王怡欣、黄丽、吴护平、李程*,咖啡因摄入对健康成年人泪膜动力学的影响,眼科学报,2021, 36(4), 259-263
1. 李程,韩忆,吴云龙,徐陈芳,两性霉素B纳米胶束及其制备方法和用途,20213.04.14,中国,ZL 202110102705.4。
2. 李程,安小娅,王国良,薛玉花,刘祖国,一种用于原代小鼠角膜上皮细胞体外培养的组合物及其用途,2022.02.18,中国,ZL 202010242742.0。
3. 李程,金梦怡,洪滢,刘祖国,一种眼内手术前房灌注液及其用途,2021.03.30,中国,ZL 201910151759.2。
4. 李程,陈佩,王国良,薛玉花,刘祖国,一种以植物表皮作为组织工程支架材料的细胞培养方法,2019.07.12,中国,ZL201710256547.1。
5. 李程,申眉,王国良,刘祖国,一种泪液蛋白收集装置,2019.03.18,中国,ZL 201721298239.7。
6. 李程,刘昭麟,吴洁丽,刘祖国,一种角膜中期保存液及其制备方法,2017.11.07,中国,ZL 201510808960。
7. 李程,王炎子,王国良,刘祖国,一种暴露性角膜炎模型的构建工具,2017.07.18,中国,ZL 201620643089。