发布时间: 2022年05月14日浏览次数:















2000/10–2001/09,美国西北大学 (Northwestern University),医学院,博士后

2001/09–2003/09,美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 (University of Wisconsin-Madison),医学院,博士后

2003/09–2007/06,美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 (University of Wisconsin-Madison),医学院,助理科学家(Assistant Scientist

2007/06–2009/08,美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 (University of Wisconsin-Madison),医学院,副科学家(Associate Scientist

2017/08–2019/08:美国麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology),机械工程系,高级访问学者





1.     Erqian Dong, Zhongchang Song, Yu Zhang (*), Shahrzad Ghaffari Mosanenzadeh, Qi He, Xuanhe Zhao, Nicholas X. Fang.“Bioinspired metagel with broadband tunable impedance matching”, Science Advances, 2020, 6(44):eabb3641.

2.     Erqian Dong, Yu Zhang (*), Zhongchang Song, Tianye Zhang, Chen Cai, Nicholas X Fang. “ Physical modeling and validation of porpoises’ directional emission via hybrid metamaterials”, National Science Review, 2019, 6(5): 921–928.

3.     Zhongchang Song, Jinhu Zhang, Wenzhan Ou, Chuang Zhang, Lijun Dong, Jianchen Dong, Songhai Li, Yu Zhang (*). “Numerical Modeling Based Investigation of Sound Transmission and Reception in the Short Finned Pilot Whale”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2021, 150(1), 225-232.

4.     Wenyu Luo, Wuyi Yang, Yu Zhang (*).“Convolutional neural network for detecting odontocete echolocation clicks”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2019, 145(1): EL7.

5.     Zhongchang Song, Jinhu Zhang, Wen Feng, Wuyi Yang, Yu Zhang (*).“An Overview of Mechanism of Target Detection by Odontocetes Biosonar”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2021,70(15):154302.

6.     Yu Zhang (*), Zhongchang Song, Xianyan Wang, Wenwu Cao, Whitlow W. L. Au. “Directional Acoustic Wave Manipulation by a Porpoise via Multiphase Forehead Structure”, Physical Review Applied, 2017, 8(6): 064002.






4.国家重点研发计划项目课题,2018YFC1407504、致灾生物声学与光谱成像探测技术(滨海核电站取水区典型致灾生物立体监控系统及应用示范)、2018/08-2021/12 331万元、在研、主持






10.福建省第二批引进高层次创业创新人才,海洋生物声学、2012150 万元、结题、主持


12.First co-investigator, Research Grant Award (R01, $1,746,464; PI: Dr. Jack J Jiang), Chaos in Human Phonation and Its Measurement, NIDCD, 4/2003-4/2008.

13.First co-investigator, Research Grant Award (R01, $1,750,000; PI: Dr. Jack J Jiang), Spatiotemporal vibratory characteristics of pathological vocal folds, NIDCD, 4/2007-2/2012.

14.Co-investigator, Research Grant Award (R01, $1,787,991; PI: Dr. Jack J Jiang), Physiology and Measurement of Vocal Fold Vibration, NIDCD, 1/2007-1/2012.



1. 张宇,张金虎,林松,张闯,谢其宸;一种水下软气动声源及制备方法、带有该声源的发声装置,发明专利,202110125585.X

2. 张金虎,张天烨,张闯,张宇;一种声学超材料及其制备方法,发明专利,202110845105.7

3. 黄嘉丽,董尔谦,张宇,林美金;一种实现水下宽带准直的水声换能装置,发明专利,202010838670.6

4. 欧文湛,张宇,刘盈麟,宋泽暄;一种柔性驱动的遥控机器鱼,发明专利,201910293291.0

5. 曹培政,张宇,欧文湛,徐晓辉;一种小型水下亚波长声学开关装置,发明专利,201910729869.2




美国声学学会(Acoustical Society of America)会员;







2009  Who's Who Worldwide

2009  Member, The Society of Sigma Xi

2012  福建省杰出青年基金

2012  福建省第二批引进高层次创业创新人才

2015  卢嘉锡科学教育基金会的2015年年度卢嘉锡优秀导师奖

2016  全国高等学校创业教育工作先进个人

2018  国家级教学成果二等奖(排名第五)

2020   “长江学者奖励计划特聘教授



1. Zhongchang Song, Jinhu Zhang, Wenzhan Ou, Chuang Zhang, Lijun Dong, Jianchen Dong, Songhai Li, Yu Zhang (*). “Numerical Modeling Based Investigation of Sound Transmission and Reception in the Short Finned Pilot Whale”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2021, 150(1), 225-232.

2. Zhongchang Song, Chuang Zhang, Jinhu Zhang, Wenzhan Ou, Yu Zhang (*).“ A Physical Realization of Porpoise Biosonar Concerning Sound Reception”, Applied Physics Letters, 2021, 119(9): 094103.

3. Chuang Zhang, Zhongchang Song, Steven W. Thornton, Erqian Dong, Peizheng Cao, Feng Ye, Xianyan Wang, Yu Zhang (*).“ Ultrasound Beam Shift Induced by Short-beaked Common Dolphin’s (Delphinus Delphis) Tissues as an Attenuating Gradient Material”, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronom, 2021, 64(10):108711.

4. Wuyi Yang, Wenlei Chang, Zhongchang Song, Yu Zhang (*), Xianyan Wang. “ Transfer Learning for Denoising the Echolocation Clicks of Finless Porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides sunameri) Using Deep Convolutional”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2021, 150(2):1243-1250.

5. Zhongchang Song, Jinhu Zhang, Wen Feng, Wuyi Yang, Yu Zhang (*).“An Overview of Mechanism of Target Detection by Odontocetes Biosonar”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2021,70(15):154302.

6. Chong Wei, Jiali Huang, Ming Dai, Siyu Zhang, Honghui Huang, Yu Zhang (*). “Acoustic characteristics of synthesized signals of Chinese bahaba (Bahaba taipingensis)”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2021, 1(1): 011201.

7. Zhongchang Song, Andria K. Salas, Eric W. Montie, Alison Laferriere, Yu Zhang, T. Aran Mooney. “Sound pressure and particle motion components of the snaps produced by two snapping shrimp species (Alpheus heterochaelis and Alpheus angulosus)”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2021, 150(5):3288-3301.

8. Baiqiang Xu, Jiao Wu, Wei Lu, Xin Gu, Li-juan Zhang, Sai Zhang, Yu Zhang (*). “Transmission and rainbow trapping of acoustic waves in a fluid medium using gradient-index superlattices”, Journal of Applied Physics, 2021, 129(15): 154501.

9. Chong Wei, Matthias Hoffmann-Kuhnt, Whitlow W. L.Au, Abel Zhong Hao Ho, Eszter Matrai, Wen Feng, DarleneR.Ketten, Yu Zhang (*). “Possible limitations of dolphin echolocation: a simulation study based on a cross-modal matching experiment”, Scientific Reports, 2021, 11(1): 6689.

10. Erqian Dong, Zhongchang Song, Yu Zhang (*), Shahrzad Ghaffari Mosanenzadeh, Qi He, Xuanhe Zhao, Nicholas X. Fang.“Bioinspired metagel with broadband tunable impedance matching”, Science Advances, 2020, 6(44):eabb3641.

11. Peizheng Cao , Yu Zhang (*) ,Sai Zhang , Wenzhan Ou , Shahrzad Ghaffari Mosanenzadeh . “Switching Acoustic Propagation via Underwater Metasurface”, Physical Review Applied, 2020, 13(4): 044019.

12. 张闯, 宋忠长, 张宇*. “中华白海豚声接收通道”, 物理学报, 2020, 69(23)234302

13. 宋忠长, 张宇*, 魏翀, 杨武夷, 徐晓辉. “齿鲸生物声呐发射特性与波束调控研究”, 物理学报, 2020, 69(15)154301

14. Zhongchang Song , Wenzhan Ou, Erqian Dong, Jinhu Zhang, Qichen Xie, Chuang Zhang, Mindong Bai, T Aran Mooney , Yu Zhang (*).“Physical implementation of dolphin biosonar to facilitate ultrasound control”, Applied Physics Letters, 2020, 117(17): 173701.

15. Erqian Dong, Yangyang Zhou, Yu Zhang (*), Huanyang Chen. “Bioinspired Conformal Transformation Acoustics”, Physical Review Applied 2020, 13(2): 024002.

16. Wuyi Yang, Wenyu Luo, Yu Zhang. “Classification of odontocete echolocation clicks using convolutional neural network”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2020, 147(1):49-55.

17. Erqian Dong, Yu Zhang (*), Zhongchang Song, Tianye Zhang, Chen Cai, Nicholas X Fang. “ Physical modeling and validation of porpoises’ directional emission via hybrid metamaterials”, National Science Review, 2019, 6(5): 921–928.

18. Zhongchang Song, Yu Zhang (*), T Aran Mooney, Xianyan Wang,Adam B Smith; Xiaohui Xu. “Investigation on Acoustic Reception Pathways in Finless Porpoise (Neophocaena asiaorientalis sunameri) with insight into an alternative pathway”, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 2019, 14(1): 016004.

19. Wenyu Luo, Wuyi Yang, Yu Zhang (*).“Convolutional neural network for detecting odontocete echolocation clicks”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2019, 145(1): EL7.

20. Xin Qing, White, Paul R, Leighton, Timothy G, Songzuo Liu , Gang Qiao, Zhang, Yu Zhang (*).“Three-dimensional finite element simulation of acoustic propagation in spiral bubble net of humpback whale”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2019, 146(3): 1982-1995.

21. Wen Feng, Yu Zhang (*), Chong Wei. “A biosonar model of finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides) for material composition discrimination of cylinders”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2019, 146(2): 1362-1370.

22. YanLi Ma, RuiQing Wang, Yu Zhang, Jiazhen Le, PeiYun Zhuang, Allyson C. Pulvermacher. “Evaluation of Surgical Strategies for Bilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis Using Excised Canine Larynges”, Journal of Voice, 2019, 33(1): 33-39.

23. Wen Feng, Yu Zhang (*), Chong Wei. “A Study on the Asymmetric Cylinder Wall Thickness Difference Discrimination by Dolphins”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2018, 144(2): 1018-1027.

24. Zhongchang Song, Yu Zhang (*), Xianyan Wang. “Dynamic properties in beam formation of the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin”, Europhysics Letters, 2018, 124(6): 64004.

25. Chong Wei, Whitlow W. L. Au, Darlene R. Ketten, Yu Zhang (*).“Finite element simulation of broadband biosonar signal propagation in the near- and far-field of an echolocating Atlantic bottlenose dolphin ( Tursiops truncatus )”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2018, 143(5): 2611-2620.

26. Chong Wei, Zhongchang Song, Au, Whitlow W. L, Yu Zhang (*), Ding Wang. “A Numerical Evidence of Biosonar Beam Formation of a Neonate Yangtze Finless Porpoise”, Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, 2018, 26(2).

27. Yanchao Jiao, Ruiqing Wang, Qingkai Zeng, Xinlin Xu, Yu Zhang, Bobby Leggon, Jack Jiang, Peiyun Zhuang. “The Effect of Vocal Fold Inferior Surface Hypertrophy on Voice Function in Excised Canine Larynges”, Journal of Voice, 2018, 32(4): 396-402.

28. Ruiqing Wang, Huijing Bao, Xinlin Xu, David Piotrowski, Yu Zhang, Peiyun Zhuang. “Establishment and Analysis of False Vocal Folds Hypertrophy Model in Excised Canine Larynges”, Journal of Voice, 2018, 32(2): 143-148.

29. Yu Zhang (*), Zhongchang Song, Xianyan Wang, Wenwu Cao, Whitlow W. L. Au. “Directional Acoustic Wave Manipulation by a Porpoise via Multiphase Forehead Structure”, Physical Review Applied, 2017, 8(6): 064002.

30. Zhongchang Song, Yu Zhang (*), Xianyan Wang, Chong Wei. “A simulation of temperature influence on echolocation click beams of the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis)”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2017, 142(4): 381-387.

31. Jianchen Dong, Zhongchang Song, Songhai Li, Zining Gong, Kuan Li, Peijun Zhang, Yu Zhang,Meng Zhang.“ Acoustic properties of a short-finned pilot whale head with insight into temperature influence on tissues’ sound velocity”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2017, 142(4):1901-1912.

32. Zhongchang Song, Yu Zhang (*), Steven W. Thornton, Songhai Li, Jianchen Dong. “The influence of air-filled structures on wave propagation and beam formation of a pygmy sperm whale (Kogia breviceps) in horizontal and vertical planes”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2017, 142(4):2443-2453.

33. Wen Feng, Yu Zhang (*).“Effects of a grain ahead on dolphin's transmitting performance”, 2017 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTING (ICSPCC), 2017, OCT 22-25.

34. Zhongchang Song, Yu Zhang (*), Xianyan Wang, Chong Wei, Fuxing Wu, Xing Miao.“Vocalizations of a Wild Finless Porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis sunmeri) in the Western Coast of the Taiwan Strait, China”, Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, 2017, 11(1):45-52.

35. Zhongchang Song, Yu Zhang (*), Per Berggren, Chong Wei. “Reconstruction of the forehead acoustic properties in an IndoPacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis), with investigation on the responses of soft tissue sound velocity to temperature”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2017, 141(2):681-689.

36. Shuai Yang, Yu Zhang (*), Randal D. Mills, Jack J. Jiang. “Quantitative Study of the Effects of Dehydration on the Viscoelastic Parameters in the Vocal Fold Mucosa”, Journal of Voice, 2017, 31(3): 269-274.

37. Yu Zhang (*), Nanmu Huang, William Calawerts, Lin Li, Allison L. Maytag, Jack J. Jiang. “Quantifying the Subharmonic Mucosal Wave in Excised Larynges via Digital Kymography”, Journal of Voice, 2017, 31(1): 123.e7-123.e13.

38. Gang Qiao, Xin Qing, Wen Feng, Songzuo Liu, Donghu Nie, Yu Zhang (*). “Elastic feature of cylindrical shells extraction in time-frequency domain using biomimetic dolphin click”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2017, 142(6): 3787-3795.

39. Chong Wei, Whitlow W. L. Au, Darlene R. Ketten, Zhongchang Song, Yu Zhang (*). “Biosonar signal propagation in the harbor porpoise's (Phocoena phocoena) head: The role of various structures in the formation of the vertical beam”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2017, 141(6): 4179-4187.

40. Wenyu Luo, Wuyi Yang, Zhongchang Song, Yu Zhang. “Automatic Species Recognition using Echolocation Clicks from Odontocetes”, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC), 2017.

41. Xiaobing Zhuang, Yu Zhang (*),Yijun Guo. “An Experimental Investigation of High Frequency Acoustic Temperature Measurement”, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC), 2017.

42. Wuyi Yang, Wenyu Luo, Yu Zhang (*). “Automatic detection method for monitoring odontocete echolocation clicks”,Electronics Letters, 2017, 53(6): 367-368.

