发布时间: 2022年05月14日浏览次数:









刘向阳教授为国家海外高层次人才特聘教授,教育部长江学者讲座教授。发表SCI论文400多篇,其中顶级杂志>90(Nature 3),由Springer-NatureWiley、科学出版社等著名出版商出版中英文专著6部,中外专利约90项。在国际国内学术会议及研讨会上做大会报告及邀请报告150余次,主办国内、国际会议50余场。

刘教授为《物理学报》、Chinese Physics B编辑,国际著名期刊的特邀客座编辑,如Adv. Funct. Mater., Small, Small Methods, J.Crystal Growth等杂志,组织编辑7个专题的专刊。担任科学出版社出版的《软物质系列丛书》责任主编。许多成果被国际著名期刊Nature旗下的《自然科学进展》、《自然物理前沿》、《自然材料动态》以及《科技日报》、《人民日报》、《联合早报》、《环球网》、《新华网》等几十家知名平面媒体与著名网站广泛报导。除了学术成就外,刘向阳教授为亚洲晶体生长和晶体技术协会第五任主席,国际晶体生长协会理事国际晶体生长协会理事,中国生物材料协会理事,中国晶体生长协会理事等。



1989-91993-11, 荷兰奈梅亨(Nijmegen)大学, 物理, 博士, 导师: Piet Bennema

1982-91985-7, 山东大学,固体物理,硕士,导师: 蒋民华院士

1978-91982-7, 山东大学,化学,学士






1996-71999-11Unilever, Port Sunlight 实验室,永久研究员

1993-111996-7,荷兰奈梅亨大学, 博士后, 导师:Piet Bennema

1985-81989-8,中国科学院, 福建物质结构研究所,助理研究员



1.X.Y. Liu*, P. BENNEMA and J.P. van der Eerden: "The rough-flat-rough transition at crystal surfaces", Nature 356, 778 (1992).

2.X.Y. Liu*, E.S Boek, W.J. Briels and P. BENNEMA: "Prediction of growth morphology of crystals based on interfacial structure analysis", Nature 374, 342-345 (1995).

3.K.Q. Zhang and X. Y. Liu*, “In situ observation of colloidal monolayer nucleation driven by an alternating electric field”, Nature 429, 739-742 (2004).

4.CY Shi, F Hu, RH Wu, ZJ Xu, GWShao, R Yu*, and XY Liu*, “New Silk Road: From Mesoscopic Reconstruction/Functionalization of Cocoon Silk to Flexible Meso-Electronics/Photonics”, Adv. Mater., 33, 2005910, 2021.





1. 企业横向,2021-112022-11187.46万,在研,主持。

2. 企业横向,2021-122023-0370.04万,在研,主持。

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,12074322,蚕丝蛋白材料多步-多尺度成核机制与介观重构及在柔性电子中的应用,2020-012024-1265万,在研,主持。

4.  广东省科学技术厅脑科学与类脑研究专项,2018B030331001,脑功能环路研究的新技术方法和工具的研发与转化,2019-012021-12月,64万,在研,主持。

5. 厦门市科技计划项目,3502Z20183012,基于蚕丝基柔性体温心跳传感大数据智慧医疗系统的开发,2019-012021-12月,20万,在研,主持。

6. 深圳科创委深圳市知识创新计划基础研究项目,20180502101936919,基于可穿戴生物传感器件的慢性病数字化诊断研究,2019-012021-12200万,在研,主持。

7. 国家自然科学基金促进海峡两岸科技合作联合基金,U1405226,设计和构建生物纳米功能化多孔支架材料/骨再生元件的研究,2015-012018-12255万,已结题,主持。



发表SCI论文400多篇,其中顶级杂志>90(Nature 3),主编《软物质丛书》(>30册,科学出版社),出版中英文专著7部,中外发明专利>90项。

1.X.Y. Liu*, E.S Boek, W.J. Briels and P. BENNEMA: "Prediction of growth morphology of crystals based on interfacial structure analysis", Nature 374, 342-345 (1995).

2.X.Y. Liu*, P. BENNEMA and J.P. van der Eerden: "The rough-flat-rough transition at crystal surfaces", Nature 356, 778 (1992).

3.X.Y. Liu*, P. van Hoof and P. BENNEMA: "Surface roughening of n‑alkane crystals: solvent dependent critical behavior", Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 109 (1993).

4.A.P.H.J. Schenning, F.B.G. Benneker, H.P.M. Geurts, X.Y. Liu*, R.J.M. Nolte*, “A facile method for the construction of porphyrins wheels”, J. Am. Chem.Soc. 118, 8549 (1996).

5.X.Y. Liu, “Effect of Microgravity on Ca Mineral Crystallization and Implications for Osteoporosis in Space” Appl. Phys. Lett. 79, 3539-3542 (2001). Appl. Phys. Lett. 79, 3539-3542 (2001). Highlighted by Nature Science Update (Nov. 13, 2001; http://www.nature.com/nsu/011115/011115-3.html).

6.XY Liu *, PD Sawant, WB Tan, IBM Noor, C Pramesti, BH Chen, “Creating New Supramolecular Materials by Architecture of Three-Dimensional Nano Crystal Fiber Networks”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 124, 15055-15063 (2002).

7.X.Y. Liu*, and P.D. Sawant, “Mechanism of the formation of self-organized micro-structure in functional materials”, Adv. Materials 14, 421-426 (2002).

8.P. D. Sawant, and X.Y. Liu*, “Formation and Novel Thermo-mechanical Processing of Biocompatible Soft Materials”, Chemistry of Materials 14, 3793-3798 (SEP 2002).

9.N. Du, and X.Y. Liu, “Controlled ice nucleation in microsized water droplet”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 445-447 (2002). Highlighted by Nature Physics Portal (www.nature.com/physics/highlights/6895-2.html) and Nature Materials Update (July 18, 2002) (www.nature.com/physics/highlights/200207. html) and MRS Bulletin (E.A. Shack, MRS Bulletin 27, 586 (2002)).

10.X.Y. Liu*, and P.D. Sawant, “Micro/Nanoengineering of Self-Organized Three-Dimensional Fibrous Structure of Functional Materials”, Angew. Chemie Int. Ed. 41, 3641-3645 (2002).

11.X.Y. Liu*, S.W. Lim, “Templating and Supersaturation Driven Anti-Templating: Principles of Biominerals Architecture”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125,888-995 (2003).

12.K.-Q. Zhang and X. Y. Liu*, “In situ observation of colloidal monolayer nucleation driven by an alternating electric field”, Nature 429, 739-742 (2004).

13.C. Strom, X.Y. Liu* and Z.C. Jia, “Ice surface reconstruction as AFP-induced morphological modification mechanism", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 127, 428-440 (2005).

14.Keqin Zhang and X. Y. Liu*, “Two scenarios of the colloidal phase transitions”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 105701-105704 (2006).

15.Jing Liang Li, X.Y. Liu*, Christina Strom, and J. Y. Xiong, “Engineering of a Supramolecular Functional Material by Architecture of the Micro/nano Structure of Fiber Network”, Adv. Mat. 18, 2574–2578 (2006).

16.Tian Hui Zhang, X. Y. Liu*, "How Does Transient Amorphous Precursor Template Crystallization", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 129, 13520-13526 (2007).

17.Rong-Guo Xie, and X.Y. Liu*, “Electrically Directed On-Chip Reversible Patterning of Two-Dimensional Tunable Colloidal Structures”, Adv. Func. Mat. 18, 802–809 (2008).

18.Haibing Xia, X.Y. Liu*, Keqin Zhang, “Nano Architecture by molecular structure-directing agent”, Chemistry of Materials 20, 2432-2434 (2008).

19.Jiahai Shi, Shixiong Lua, Ning Du, Xiang Yang Liu, Jianxing Song: "Identification, recombinant production and structural characterization of four silk proteins from the Asiatic honeybee Ap is Cerana", Biomaterials 29, 2820-2828 (2008).

20.Tian Hui Zhang and Xiang Yang Liu*, "Nucleation: What Happens at the Initial Stage?", Angew. Chemie Int. Ed. 48, 1308-1312 (2009).

21.Rongguo Xie, Xiang Yang Liu*: "Controllable Epitaxial Crystallization and Reversible Oriented Patterning of Two-Dimensional Colloidal Crystals", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131, 4976-4982 (2009).

22.Shaokun Tang, Xiang Yang Liu, * and Christina S. Strom, "Producing Supramolecular Functional Materials Based on Fiber Network Reconstruction", Adv. Funct. Mater. 19, 1-8 (2009).

23.Jing-Liang Li and Xiang Yang Liu*, "Architecture of Supramolecular Soft Functional Materials: from Understanding to Micro/nano Engineering" (Feature Article), Adv. Funct. Mater. 20, 3196-3216 (2010). (Highlighted as the Frontispiece).

24.X. D. Zhao, H. M. Fan, J. Luo, X. Y. Liu*, J, Ding, B. S. Zou, Y. P. Feng, "Electrically Adjustable, Super Adhesive Force of Superhydrophobic Aligned MnO2 Nanotube Membrane", Adv. Funct. Mater. 21, 184-190 (2011).

25.Ning Du, Zhen Yang, Xiang Yang Liu*, Yang Li, Hong Yao Xu, "Structural Origin of Strain-Hardening of Spider Silk", Adv. Funct. Mater. 21, 772-778 (2011).

26.Natalia C. Tansil, Yang Li, Choon Peng Teng, Shuangyuan Zhang, Khin Yin Win, Xing Chen, Xiang Yang Liu, and Ming-Yong Han*, “Intrinsically Colored and Luminescent Silk”, Adv. Mat. 23, 1463–1466 (2011). (Highlighted by Nature Chemistry, Nature Asia Materials (http://www.nature.com/am/journal/2011/201104/full/am201182a.html), Materials Today, Chemical & Engineering News, Chemistry World, Scientific American, New Scientist, RSC Publishing: http://www.rsc.org/chemistryworld/News/2011/February/15021103.asp http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-03-silkworm-diet-silk-medical-advantages.html).

27.Natalia C. Tansil, Yang Li, Leng Duei Koh, Teng Choon Peng, Khin Yin Win, Xiang Yang Liu, Ming-Yong Han, “The use of molecular fluorescent markers to monitor absorption and distribution of xenobiotics in a silkworm model”, Biomaterials 32, 9576-9583 (2011, Dec).

28.Zhengquan Yan, Hongyao Xu, Shanyi Guang, Xian Zhao, Weiliu Fan, and Xiang Yang Liu*, “A convenient organic-inorganic hybrid approach toward highly stable squaraine dyes with lessened H-aggregation”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 22, 345-352 (2012).

29.Naibo Lin, X. Y. Liu, * Ying Ying Diao, Hongyao Xu, Chunyan Chen, Xinhua Ouyang, Hongzhi Yang, and Wei Ji, “Switching on Fluorescent Emission by Molecular Recognition and Aggregation Dissociation” Adv. Funct. Mater. 22, 361-368 (2012).

30.Ying Ying Diao and X. Y. Liu*, “Colloidal Crystallization: Experimental Modeling of General Crystallization and Biomimicking of Structural Color”, Adv. Funct. Mater. (Feature article) 22, 1354–1375 (2012).

31.Zhi Lin, Qinqiu Deng, Xiang Yang Liu , and Daiwen Yang, "Engineered Large Spider Eggcase Silk Protein for Strong Artificial Fibers", Adv. Mater. 25, 1216–1220 (2013).

32.Ying Ying Diao, Xiang Yang Liu*, Guoyang William Toh, Lei Shi and Jian Zi, "Multiple Structural Coloring of Silk Fibroin Photonic Crystals and Humidity Responsive Color Sensing", Adv. Funct. Mater. 23, 5373–5380 (2013).

33.Zhang TH, XY Liu*, “Experimental Modelling of Single-Particle Dynamic Process in Crystallization by Controlled Colloidal Assembly”, Chem. Soc. Rev. 43, 2324-2347 (2014).

34.Naibo Lin, Fan Hu, Yinlin Sun, Chenxu Wu, Hongyao Xu* and Xiang Yang Liu*, “Construction of White-Light-Emitting Silk Protein Hybrid Films by Materials Design and Materials Assembly”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 24, 5284–5290 (2014).

35.Anh Tuan Nguyen, Qiao-Ling Huang, Zhen Yang, Naibo Lin, Gangqin Xu and Xiang-Yang Liu*“Crystal Networks in Silk Fibrous Materials: From Hierarchical Structure to Ultra-Performance”Small 11, 1039-1054 (2015).

36.Naibo Lin, Zhaohui Meng, Guoyang William Toh, Yang Zhen, Yingying Dao, Hongyao Xu*, and Xiang Yang Liu*, “Engineering of Fluorescent Emission Silk Fibroin Composite Materials by Material Assembly”, Small 11, 1205-1214 (2015).

37.Zhan Da, Xu Yan Jia, Hua Ni Zhen, Sun Li, Fei Lai Lin, Lei Liu, X. Y. Liu and Xiang Shen Ze*, “Bandgap Opened Bilayer Graphene Approached by Asymmetrical Intercalation of Trilayer Graphene” Small 11, 1177-1182 (2015).

38.S Xie, XY Liu, Y Xia, “Shape-controlled syntheses of rhodium nanocrystals for the enhancement of their catalytic properties”, Nano Research 8, 82-96 (2015).

39.Xiang Yang Liu*, Shu-Hong Yu “Soft Matter: from Structure to Functionality” (Editorial), Small 11, 1022-1023 (2015).

40.Naibo Lin, Xiang Yang Liu,* “Crystal Network: Bridging Macroscopic Performance with Mesoscopic Hierarchical Structure of Materials”, Chem Soc Rev 44, 7881-7915 (2015). (DOI: 10.1039/C5CS90084K.).

41.Youhui Lin*, Zhengwei Chen, and Xiang Yang Liu*, Using Inorganic Nanomaterials to Endow Biocatalytic Systems with Unique Features, Trends in Biotechnology, 33(4), 303-315, 2016.

42.Jialiang Xu*, Xiang Yang Liu*, Alan E. Rowan*, Theo Rasing*, Advances in Soft Functional Materials Research, Advanced Functional Materials, 26 (48)8807-8809 2016.

43.Shuhua Liu, Xiang Yang Liu, Ming-Yong Han*, Controlled Modulation of Surface Coating and Surface Charging on Quantum Dots with Negatively Charged Gelatin for Substantial Enhancement and Reversible Switching in Photoluminescence, Advanced Functional Materials, 26(48): 8991-8998 (2016). DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201604351

44.Naibo Lin, Liwei Cao, Qiaoling Huang, Changyong Wang*, Yan Wang, Jin Zhou, Xiang-Yang Liu* Functionalization of Silk Fibroin Materials at Mesoscale, Adv. Funct. Mater., 26(48): 8885-8902 (2016). DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201603826

45.Zhengwei Chen, Honghao Zhang, Zaifu Lin, Youhui Lin*, Jan H. van Esch, Xiang Yang Liu*, Programing Performance of Silk Fibroin Materials by Controlled Nucleation, Adv. Funct. Mater., 26(48): 8978-8990 (2016). DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201602908

46.Wenxi Guo*, Zijie Xu, Fayin Zhang, Shuyao Xie, Hongyao Xu and Xiang Yang Liu*, Recent Development of the Transparent Conducting Oxide-Free Flexible Thin Film Solar Cells, Adv. Funct. Mater., 26(48): 8855-8884(2016). DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201603378.

47.Meidan Ye *, Xiaodan Hong, Fayin Zhang, Xiang Yang Liu* “Recent advancements in perovskite solar cells: flexibility, stability and large scale”. Journal of Materials Chemistry A4(18), 6755-6771(2016).

48.Duc-Viet Nguyen, Shengwei Jiang, Chengyong He, Zhongning Lin*, Naibo Lin, Anh-Tuan Nguyen, Lifeng Kang, Ming-Yong Han, and Xiang-Yang Liu*, Elevating Biomedical Performance of ZnO/SiO2@Amorphous Calcium Phosphate - Bioinspiration Making Possible the Impossible, Adv. Funct. Mater. 26(38), 6921–6929 (2016); DOI: 10.1002/adfm201601481.

49.Ruchuan Liu*, Qinqiu Deng, Zhen Yang, Daiwen Yang, Ming-Yong Han, and Xiang Yang Liu* “Nano-Fishnet Structure Making Silk Fibers Tougher”, Advanced Functional Materials, 26(30), 5534-5541(2016). DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201600813.

50.Y Song Z Lin L Kong Y Xing N Lin XY Liu*, “Meso‐Functionalization of Silk Fibroin by Up-conversion Fluorescence and Near Infrared In Vivo” , Adv. Funct. Mater. 27 (26)1700628(2017).

51.Chuanlian Xiao, Ming Li, Bingjun Wang, Ming-Feng Liu, Changyu Shao, Haihua Pan, Yong Lu, Bin-Bin Xu, Siwei Li, Da Zhan, Yuan Jiang, Ruikang Tang, Xiang Yang Liu, Helmut Cölfen “Total morphosynthesis of biomimetic prismatic-type CaCO 3 thin films”Nature Comm. 8, 1398 (2017).

52.C Guo, J Zhang, X Wang, AT Nguyen, XY Liu, DL Kaplan, “Comparative Study of Strain‐Dependent Structural Changes of Silkworm Silks: Insight into the Structural Origin of Strain‐Stiffening”, Small 13 (47), 1702266 (2017), DOI: 10.1002/smll.201702266

53.Y Xing, C Shi, J Zhao, W Qiu, N Lin, J Wang, XB Yan, WD Yu, XY Liu, “Mesoscopic‐Functionalization of Silk Fibroin with Gold Nanoclusters Mediated by Keratin and Bioinspired Silk Synapse”, Small 13 (40), 1702390 (2017). DOI.10.1002/smll.201702390.

54.X Yan, J Zhao, S Liu, Z Zhou, Q Liu, J Chen, XY Liu, “Memristor with Ag‐Cluster‐Doped TiO2 Films as Artificial Synapse for Neuroinspired Computing”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 28, 1705320 (2018) 10.1002/adfm.201705320.

55.Fayin Zhang, Weifeng Li, Zijie Xu, Meidan Ye, Hongyao Xu*, Wenxi Guo*, Xiangyang Liu*, Highly Flexible and Scalable Photo-Rechargeable Power Unit Based on Symmetrical Nanotube Arrays, Nano Energy, 46, 168-175, 2018. IF:12.34.

56.Zhisen Zhang and Xiang-Yang Liu*, “Control of ice nucleation: freezing and antifreeze strategies”, Chem. Soc. Rev. 48, 7115-7139 (2018).

57.Z Xu, W Li, J Huang, Q Liu, X Guo, W Guo, X Liu, Controllable and large- scale fabrication of flexible ITO-free electrochromic devices by crackle pattern technology Journal of Materials Chemistry A6 (40), 19584-19589 (2018).

58.Kun Zhou, Yuan He, Qingchi Xu, Qin’e Zhang, An’an Zhou, Zihao Lu, Li-Kun Yang, Yuan Jiang*, Dongtao Ge, Xiang Yang Liu, and Hua Bai, A Hydrogel of Ultrathin Pure Polyaniline Nanofibers: Oxidant-Templating Preparation and Supercapacitor Application, ACS Nano 12, 5888-5894(2018).

59.Chunfeng He, Bin Han, Shuang Han, Qingchi Xu, Zhihao Liang, Jia Yin Xu, Meidan Ye, Xiangyang Liu, and Jun Xu, “Synthesis of hierarchical lamellar Co3O4-CoMoO4 heterostructures for lithium-ion batteries”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 7, 26884-92(2019).

60.Ronghui Wu, Liyun Ma, Chen Hou, Zhaohui Meng, Wenxi Guo, Weidong Yu, Rui Yu, Fan Hu, and Xiang Yang Liu, “Silk Composite Electronic Textile Sensor for High Space Precision 2D Combo Temperature-Pressure Sensing”, Small, 15(31), 1901558(2019) (Front Cover Story)..

61.Zijie Xu, Weifeng Li, Jiani Huang, Xing Guo, Qian Liu, Rui Yu, Wenna Miao, Boyu Zhou, Wenxi Guoa, and Xiangyang Liu. Flexible, controllable and angle-independent photoelectrochromic display enabled by smart sunlight management, Nano Energy, 63, 103830(2019).

62.Shuihong Zhu, Wenbin Zeng, Zhaohui Meng, Wenhao Luo, Liyun Ma, Yanran Li, Changxu Lin, Qiaoling Huang, Youhui Lin, and Xiang Yang Liu. Using Wool Keratin as a Basic Resist Material to Fabricate Precise Protein Patterns, Advanced Materials, 31(28), 1900870(2019).

63.Chenyang Shi, Jingjuan Wang, Maria L. Sushko, Wu Qiu, Xiaobing Yan*, and Xiang Yang Liu*. Silk Flexible Electronics: “From Bombyx mori Silk Ag Nanoclusters Hybrid Materials to Mesoscopic Memristors and Synaptic Emulators”, Advanced Functional Materials 29(42), 1904777(2019).

64.Wu Qiu, Aniruddha Patil, Fan Hu, and Xiang Yang Liu. “Hierarchical Structure of Silk Materials Versus Mechanical Performance and Mesoscopic Engineering Principles”, Small, 15, 1903948 (2019) (Cover Story).

65.Liyun Ma, Ronghui Wu, Aniruddha Patil, Shuihong Zhu, Zhaohui Meng, Haiqiang Meng, Chen Hou, Yifan Zhang, Qiang Liu, Rui Yu, Jun Wang, Naibo Lin, and Xiang Yang Liu*, “Full-Textile Wireless Flexible Humidity Sensor for Human Physiological Monitoring”, Advanced Functional Materials, 29(43), 1904549(2019).

66.Chen Hou, Zijie Xu, Wu Qiu, Ronghui Wu, Yanan Wang, Qingchi Xu, Xiang Yang Liu, and Wenxi Guo. “A Biodegradable and Stretchable Protein-Based Sensor as Artificial Electronic Skin for Human Motion Detection”, Small 15(11), 1805084(2019) (Cover Story).

67.Fan Hu, Wenzhe Liu, Weifeng Li, Zijie Xu, Ying Ying Diao, Nai Bo Lin, Wenxi Guo, Lei Shi, Jan H. van Esch, and Xiang Yang Liu*, “Silk Fluorescence Collimator for Ultrasensitive Humidity Sensing and Light-Harvesting in Semitransparent Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”, Small, 15, 1970069, (2019) (Cover Story).

68.Shao Guangwei, Yu Rui, Chen Nanliang*, Ye Meidan*, Xiang Yang Liu*, “Stretchable Supercapacitors: From Materials and Structures to Devices”, Small Methods 5(1): 2000853, 2020.

69.Jiani Huang, Zijie Xu, Wu Qiu, Fan Chen, Zhaohui Meng, Chen Hou, Wenxi Guo* and Xiang Yang Liu* “Stretchable and Heat-Resistant Protein-Based Electronic Skin for Human Thermoregulation”Adv. Funct. Mater. 30, 1910547, 2020.

70.H Miao, R Shen, W Zhang, Z Lin, H Wang, L Yang, XY Liu, N Lin*, “Near‐Infrared Light Triggered Silk Fibroin Scaffold for Photothermal Therapy and Tissue Repair of Bone Tumors”, Adv. Func. Mater., 2007188, 2020.

71.Gong Hao, Xu Zijie, Yang Yun, Xu Qingchi, Li Xuyi, Chen Xing, Huang Yaoran, Zhang Fan, Zhao Jizhong, Li Shengyou, Xiang Yang Liu, Qiaoling Huang*, Wenxi Guo *. Transparent, stretchable and degradable protein electronic skin for biomechanical energy scavenging and wireless sensing, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 169: 112567, 2020.

72.Wen Yan, Zhaohui Meng, Mingye Zou, Hao Miao, Fangxing Ma, Rui Yu, Wu Qiu, Xiang Yang Liu*, Naibo Lin*, “Neutralization reaction in synthesis of carbon materials for supercapacitors”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 381,122547(2020).

73.Hu Fan, Li Weifeng, Zou Mingye, Li Yanran, Chen Fan, Lin Naibo, Guo Wenxi, Xiang Yang Liu*, “Subcutaneous Energy/Signal Transmission Based on Silk Fibroin Up-Conversion Photonic Amplification”, ACS Nano, 2020. DOI:10.1021/acsnano.0c09575.

74.Guangwei Shao, Rui Yu, Xin Zhang, Xing Chen, Faliang He, Xin Zhao, Nanliang Chen*, Meidan Ye*, and Xiang Yang Liu*, “Making Stretchable Hybrid Supercapacitors by Knitting Non-stretchable Metal Fibers”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 30, 2003153 (2020), DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202003153.

75.Patil Aniruddha B, Meng Zhaohui, Wu Ronghui, Ma Liyun, Xu Zijie, Shi Chenyang, Qiu Wu, Liu Qiang, Zhang Yifan, Lin Youhui, Lin Naibo, Xiang Yang Liu*; “Tailoring the Meso-Structure of Gold Nanoparticles in Keratin-Based Activated Carbon Toward High-Performance Flexible Sensor, Nano-Micro Letters, 12(1): 117, 2020.

76.Lin Zhang, Hu Fan, Zhu Shuihong, Youhui Lin*, Meng Zhaohui, Yu Rui, Xiang Yang Liu*, “Meso-Reconstruction of Wool Keratin 3D "Molecular Springs" for Tunable Ultra-Sensitive and Highly Recovery Strain Sensors”, Small, 16 (24): 2000128, 2020.

77.Xin Zhang, Xing Chen, Tian Bai, Jiaqi Chai, Xin Zhao, Meidan Ye*, Zhiqun Lin*, and Xiang Yang Liu*, “Simple Route to Fiber-Shaped Heterojunctioned Nanocomposites for Knittable High-Performance Supercapacitors”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020

78.Ma Liyun, Liu Qiang, Wu Ronghui, Meng Zhaohui, Patil Aniruddha, Yu Rui, Yang Yun, Zhu Shuihong, Fan Xuwei, Hou Chen, Li Yanran, Qiu Wu, Huang Lianfen, Wang Jun, Lin Naibo, Wan Yizao, Hu Jian, Xiang Yang Liu*, “From Molecular Reconstruction of Mesoscopic Functional Conductive Silk Fibrous Materials to Remote Respiration Monitoring”, Small 16, 2000203 (2020).

79.Chenyang Shi, Jinling Lan, Jingjuan Wang, Shuai Zhang, Amy E. Stegmann, Shuihong Zhu, Youhui Lin, Rui, Yu, Xiaobing Yan*, Xiang Yang Liu*, “Flexible and Insoluble Artificial Synapses Based on Chemical Cross-linked Wool Keratin”, Adv Funct Mater, 30, 2002882, (2020).

80.R. Wu, L. Ma, S. Liu A. B. Patil C. Hou Y. Zhang, W. Zhang, R. Yu, W. Yu*, W. Guo*, X. Y. Liu*, “Fibrous Inductance Strain Sensors for Passive Inductance Textile Sensing”, Materials Today Physics, 15, 100243, 2020.

81.Ronghui Wu, Liyun Ma, Aniruddha Patil, Zhaohui Meng, Sai Liu, Chen Hou, Yifan Zhang, Weidong Yu*, Wenxi Guo* and Xiang Yang Liu*, “Graphene Decorated Carbonized Cellulose Fabric for Physiological Signal Monitoring and Energy Harvesting”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8, 2020.

82.Wen Yan, Zhaohui Meng, Mingye Zou, Hao Miao, Fangxing Ma, Rui Yu, Wu Qiu, Xiang Yang Liu*, Naibo Lin*. “Neutralization reaction in synthesis of carbon materials for supercapacitors”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 381,122547(2020).

83.Lin Zhang, Fan Hu, Shuihong Zhu, Youhui Lin, Zhaohui Meng, Rui Yu, and Xiang Yang Liu. “Meso-Reconstruction of Wool Keratin 3D ‘Molecular Springs’ for Tunable Ultra-Sensitive and Highly Recovery Strain Sensors”, Small, 16, 2000128 (2020).

84.Qun Liu, Xiaodan Hong, Xingyan You, Xin Zhang, Xin Zhao, Xing Chen, Meidan Ye, and Xiang Yang Liu, “Designing heterostructured metal sulfide core-shell nanoneedle films as battery-type electrodes for hybrid supercapacitors”, Energy Storage Materials 24: 541-49(2020).

85.Fan Hu, Zhengwei Chen, Zaifu Lin, Jin Hu, Runqing Shen, Youhui Lin, and Xiang Yang Liu*, “Silk Nano Cocoons: Bio Nanoreactors for Enzymatic Catalytic Reactions and Applications to Alcohol Intoxication”, Small Science, 2021, DOI.10.1002/smsc.202000049.

86.H Miao, R Shen, W Zhang, Z Lin, H Wang, L Yang, XY Liu, N Lin, “Near‐Infrared Light Triggered Silk Fibroin Scaffold for Photothermal Therapy and Tissue Repair of Bone Tumors”, Adv. Func. Mater. 31 (10), 2007188 (2021).

87.Chenyang Shi, Fan Hu, Ronghui Wu, Zijie Xu, Guangwei Shao, Rui Yu*, and Xiang Yang Liu*, “New Silk Road: From Mesoscopic Reconstruction/Functionalization of Cocoon Silk to Flexible Meso-Electronics/Photonics”, Adv. Mater., 33, 2005910, 2021.

88.Yifan Zhang, Caifeng Chen, Ye Qiu, Liyun Ma, Wu Qiu, Rui Yu*, Weidong Yu*, Xiang Yang Liu* “Meso-Reconstruction of Silk Fibroin based on Molecular and Nano-Templates for Electronic Skin in Medical Applications”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 31, 2100150 (2021).

89.Zaifu Lin, Zhaohui Meng, Hao Miao, Ronghui Wu, Wu Qiu, Naibo Lin* and Xiang Yang Liu*, “Biomimetic Salinity Power Generation Based on Silk Fibroin Ion-Exchange Membranes”, ACS Nano, 10.1021/acsnano.1c00820, 2021.

90.Hao Wen, Caifeng Chen, Shengyou Li, Yating Shi, Hao Wang*, Wenxi Guo*, Xiang Yang Liu*, Development of array integration and far-field detection of biocompatible wireless LC pressure sensors, Small Methods 6, 2001055, 2021.

91.S. Zhu, Y. Tang, C. Lin, XY Liu, Y Lin, “Recent Advances in Patterning Natural Polymers: From Nanofabrication Techniques to Applications”, S Zhu, Y Tang, C Lin, XY Liu, Y Lin, Small Methods 5 (3), 2001060 (2021).

92.Xiaotian Liu, Likun Yang*, Wenli Zhang, Zaifu Lin, Zhaohui Meng, Chenyang Shi, Zhijun Xu and Xiang Yang Liu*, “Coupling of Silk Fibroin Nanofibrils Enzymatic Membrane with Ultra-thin PtNPs/Graphene Film to Acquire Long and Stable on-Skin Sweat Glucose and Lactate Sensing”, Small Methods 6, 2021, in press.

93.Xiang-Yang Liu*, Chaoyong Yang*, Dawang Zhou*, Editorial for XMU-100 Anniversary Special Issue, Small Methods 6, 2021.
