发布时间: 2022年01月04日浏览次数:

李荟晖  副教授/博导








2010~2015 武汉大学生命科学学院 细胞生物学 博士

2006~2010 淮北师范大学生命科学学院 生物科学专业 学士


2024/12-至今  厦门大学医学院 副教授

2024/10-2024/12    厦门大学医学院 助理教授

2016~2023    美国加州大学旧金山分校格拉斯通研究所  神经生物学 博士后


2020 国际阿尔茨海默病联合协会Alzheimer’s Association Research Fellowship AARF


1. Huihui Li*, Caroline Guglielmetti*, Yoshitaka Sei*, Misha Zilberter, Lydia Le Page, Lauren Shields, Kevin Nguyen, Brice Tiret, Xiao Gao, Michael Gil, Yadong Huang, J Rathmell, Matthew Vander Heiden, Myriam Chaumeil*, Ken Nakamura*. Neurons Require Glucose Uptake and Glycolysis In Vivo. Cell Reports. (2023) 42,112335

2. Huihui Li*, Zak Doric*, Amandine Berthet*, Danielle M. Jorgens, Mai K. Nguyen, Ivy Hsieh, Julia Margulis, Rebecca Fang, Jayanta Debnath, Hiromi Sesaki, Steve Finkbeiner, Eric Huang and Ken Nakamura. (2021). Longitudinal Tracking of Neuronal Mitochondria Delineates PINK1/Parkin-Dependent Mechanisms of Mitochondrial Recycling and Degradation. Science Advances. 2021; 7: eabf6580

3. Huihui Li, Yu Ruan, Kuan Zhang, Fenglei Jian, Chao Hu, Lin Miao, Longlong Gong, Lihong Sun, Houzao Chen, Depei Liu, and Zhiyin Song. (2016) Mic60/Mitofilin Determines MICOS Assembly Essential for Mitochondrial Dynamics and mtDNA Nucleoid Organization. Cell Death & Differentiation. 2016, Mar23(3):380-92.

4. Yu Ruan*, Huihui Li*, Kuan Zhang, Fenglei Jian, Junhui Tang, and Zhiyin Song. (2013) Loss of Yme1L Perturbates Mitochondrial Dynamics. Cell Death & Disease. (2013)4: e896

*co-first authors


1. Zak Doric, Huihui Li, Ken Nakamura. (2021). The PINK1 advantage: recycling mitochondria in times of trouble? Autophagy. 2021 Nov 23;1-2

2. LY. Shields, Huihui Li, Kevin Nguyen, Hwajin Kim, Zak Doric, T.Michael Gill,

Dominik Haddad, Keith Vossel, Meredith Calvert,Ken Nakamura.(2021) Mitochondrial fission is a critical modulator of mutant APP-induced neural toxicity. Journal of Biological Chemistry. (2021) 296 100469.

3. Juan A. Pérez-Bermejo, Serah Kang, Sarah J. Rockwood, Camille R. Simoneau, David A. Joy, Gokul N. Ramadoss, Ana C. Silva1, Will R. Flanigan, Huihui Li, Ken Nakamura, Jeffrey D. Whitman, Melanie Ott, Bruce R. Conklin, Todd C. McDevitt. (2021) SARS-CoV-2 infection of human iPSC–derived cardiac cells reflects cytopathic features in hearts of patients with COVID-19. Science Translational Medicine. eabf7872(2021).

4. Mai K. Nguyen, Kevin McAvoy, Szu-Chi Liao, Zak Doric, Iris Lo, Huihui Li, Giovanni Manfredi and Ken Nakamura. (2021). Mouse midbrain dopaminergic neurons survive loss of the PD-associated mitochondrial protein CHCHD2. Human Molecular Genetics. (2021) 31,9;1500-18

5. Zhang K, Li H, Song Z. (2014) Membrane Depolarization Activates the Mitochondrial Protease OMA1 By Stimulating Self-cleavage. EMBO Rep.15(5)576-85


李荟晖,宋质银 (2015) MICOS复合物/线粒体内膜结构调控关键复合物的研究进展. 中国细胞生物学学报. 2015, 37(9)
