发布时间: 2022年01月05日浏览次数:

陈倩 副教授/硕导



邮    箱:qchen2@xmu.edu.cn

系部网址: http://eye.xmu.edu.cn/




2003~2008  武汉大学医学院临床医学专业     学士;

2008~2010  武汉大学医学院肿瘤学专业       硕士;

2010~2016  美国俄克拉荷马大学生理学专业   博士。


2016~2017  美国俄克拉荷马大学 博士后;

2017~至今  厦门大学医学院,厦门大学眼科研究所  副教授。


  1. Chen Q, Qiu FF, Zhou KL, Matlock G, Takahashi Y, Yang HF, Moran E, Ma JX. Pathological role of miR-21 in diabetic retinopathy through down-regulation of PPARα. DIABETES. 2017;66:1671–1682.

  2. Chen Q, Ma JX.Canonical Wnt signaling in diabetic retinopathy. VISION RES. 2017;139:47-58.

  3. Chen Q, Takahashi Y, Oka K, Ma JX. Functional differences of VLDLR splice variants in regulating Wnt signaling. Mol Cell Biol 2016;36:2645–2654. PMCID: PMC5038150

  4. Takahashi Y*, Chen Q*, Rajala, Ma JX, MicroRNA-184 modulates canonical Wnt signaling through the regulation of frizzled-7 expression in the retina with ischemia-induced neovascularization. FEBS Lett, 2015 Apr 28; 589(10):1143-9. PMCID: PMC4406844. (* equal contribution)

  5. MurrayAR*,ChenQ*,TakahashiY,ZhouKK,ParkK,MaJX.MiRNA-200b down-regulatesOxidationResistance1(Oxr1)expressionintheretinaoftype 1diabetesmodel.InvestOphthalmolVisSci.,2013.54(3):1689-97.PMCID: PMC3626515. (* equalcontribution, IF:3.427)


2014.7--2016.6美国心脏病协会博士助研金  资助课题:DifferentialRolesofVLDLR SpliceVariantsin CanonicalWntSignaling Regulation资助经费:5万美元 主持



  1. Chen Q, Qiu FF, Zhou KL, Matlock G, Takahashi Y, Yang HF, Moran E, Ma JX. Pathological role of miR-21 in diabetic retinopathy through down-regulation of PPARα. DIABETES. 2017;66:1671–1682.

  2. Chen Q, Ma JX.Canonical Wnt signaling in diabetic retinopathy. VISION RES. 2017;139:47-58.

  3. Chen Q, Takahashi Y, Oka K, Ma JX. Functional differences of VLDLR splice variants in regulating Wnt signaling. Mol Cell Biol 2016;36:2645–2654. PMCID: PMC5038150

  4. Takahashi Y*, Chen Q*, Rajala, Ma JX, MicroRNA-184 modulates canonical Wnt signaling through the regulation of frizzled-7 expression in the retina with ischemia-induced neovascularization. FEBS Lett, 2015 Apr 28; 589(10):1143-9. PMCID: PMC4406844. (* equal contribution)

  5. MurrayAR*,ChenQ*,TakahashiY,ZhouKK,ParkK,MaJX.MiRNA-200b down-regulatesOxidationResistance1(Oxr1)expressionintheretinaoftype 1diabetesmodel.InvestOphthalmolVisSci.,2013.54(3):1689-97.PMCID: PMC3626515. (* equalcontribution, IF:3.427)

  6. Qiu FF, Matlock GH, Chen Q, Zhou KL, Du YH, Wang X and Ma JX. Therapeutic effects of PPARα agonist on experimental neovascular age-related macular degeneration. InvestOphthalmolVisSci.,2017 Oct 1;58(12):5065-5075.

  7. Fu H, Vadalia N, Xue ER, Johnson C, Wang L, Yang WY, Sanchez C, Nelson J, Chen Q, Choi ET, Ma JX, Yu J, Wang H, Yang XF. Thrombus leukocytes exhibit more endothelial cell-specific angiogenic markers than peripheral blood leukocytes do in acute coronary syndrome patients, suggesting a possibility of trans-differentiation: a comprehensive database mining study. J Hematol Onco., 2017 Mar 23;10(1):74.

  8. MoranE,DingLX,WangZX,ChengR,ChenQ,MooreR, TakahashiYandMa JX.ProtectiveandAntioxidantEffectsofPPAR-αintheIschemic Retina.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci.,2014.2014 May 13;55(7):4568-76. PMCID: PMC4109406.

  9. Hu Y, Chen Y, Ding LX, He XM, Takahashi Y, Gao Y, Shen W, ChengR, ChenQ,QiXP,BoultonM,andMaJX.Pathogenicroleofdiabetes-induced PPAR-αdown-regulationinmicrovasculardysfunction.Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci., 2013.110(38):15401-15406. PMCID: PMC3780907. (IF: 9.423)
