发布时间: 2022年01月05日浏览次数:

李艳芳 副教授/硕导






        1995 ~ 1999  安徽大学生物化学专业,学士

        2000 ~ 2003  中国科学技术大学神经生物学专业,硕士

        2003 ~ 2010  美国康涅狄格大学(University of Connecticut)神经物学专业,博士


        2011 ~ 2012 美国首府社区大学自然科学系,讲师

        2012 ~ 2018 厦门大学医学院,助理教授

        2018 ~ 至今 厦门大学医学院,副教授




  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(82071195),细胞粘附蛋白Pcdh-γC5AD疾病中紧张性抑制的调控作用研究,2021/012024/12

  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(81870845),PcdhC5介导的神经突触异常参与AD疾病发生的分子机制研究,2019/012022/12

  3. 厦门大学校长基金项目(20720190136),神经炎症引发的组织酸化对阿尔茨海默症中神经突触传递功能的调控作用研究,2019/012019/12

  4. 广东省自然科学基金项目(2018A030313158),突触粘附蛋白Pcdh-γC5对阿尔茨海默症神经突触异常和认知功能障碍的调控作用研究,2017/052020/04

  5. 福建省自然科学基金项目(2017J01151),突触粘附蛋白Protocadherin-γC5对阿尔茨海默症中突触功能异常的调控研究,2017/042020/03

  6. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(81301105),癫痫易感基因Pcdh-γC5GABAA受体和GABA能突触的调控研究,2014/012016/12


  1. Rong Z, Cheng B, Zhong L, Ye X, Li X, Jia L, Li Y, Shue F, Wang N, Cheng Y, Huang X, Liu CC, Fryer JD, Wang X, Zhang YW, Zheng H (2020). Activation of FAK/Rac1/Cdc42-GTPase signaling ameliorates impaired microglial migration response to Abeta(42) in triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 loss-of-function murine models.FASEB J. Online ahead of print.

  2. Miralles CP, Taylor MJ, Bear J Jr, Fekete CD, George S, Li Y, Bonhomme B, Chiou TT, De Blas AL (2020) Expression of protocadherin-gammaC4 protein in the rat brain.J Comp Neurol. 528:840-864.

  3. Pan G, Chen Z, Zheng H, Zhang Y, Xu H, Bu G, Zheng H, Li Y* (2018). Compensatory mechanisms modulate the neuronal excitability in a kainicacid-induced epilepsy mouse model. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 12: 48.

  4. Ye X, Rong Z, Li Y, Wang X, Cheng B, Cheng Y, Luo H, Ti Y, Huang X, Liu Z, Zhang YW, Zheng W, Zheng H* (2018). Protective role of L-3-n-butylphthalide in cognitive function and dysthymic disorders in mouse with chronic epilepsy. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 9: 734.

  5. Zhao D, Meng J, Zhao Y, Huo Y, Liu Y, Zheng N, Zhang M, Gao Y, Chen Z, Sun H, Wang X, Jing C, Zhang T, Zhang X, Luo H, Wang X, Zhang J, Liu FR, Li Y, Bu G, Wen L, Huang TY, Xu H, Zhang YW* (2018). RPS23RG1 is required for synaptic integrity and rescues Alzheimer's disease-associated cognitive deficits.  Biological Psychiatry. Epub ahead of print

  6. Li Y*, Chen Z, Gao Y, Pan G, Zheng H, Zhang YW, Xu H, Bu G, Zheng H*. (2017) Synaptic adhesion molecule Pcdh-γC5 mediates synaptic dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Neuroscience.37: 9259-9268.

  7. Li Y*, Sun H, Chen Z, Xu H, Bu G, Zheng H*. (2016) Implications of GABAergic neurotransmission in Alzheimer's disease. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 8:31.

  8. Wang F, Zheng H, Zhang X, Li Y,Gao Z, Wang Y, Liu X, Yao Y*. (2016) Successful surgery in lesional epilepsy secondary to posterior quandrant ulegyria coexisting with benign childhood focal epilepsy: A case report. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery.149:94-97.

  9. Zhang X, Li Y, Xu H, Zhang YW*. (2014) The γ-secretase complex: from structure to function. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 8:427.

  10. Jiang S, Li Y#, Zhang C, Zhao Y, Bu G, Xu H, Zhang YW*. (2014) M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor in Alzheimer’s disease. Neuroscience Bulletin.30: 295-307.

  11. Jiang S, Li Y#, Zhang X, Bu G, Xu H, Zhang YW*. (2014) Trafficking regulation of proteins in Alzheimer's disease. Molecular Neurodegeneration. 9:6.

  12. Li Y, Xiao H, Chiou TT, Jin H, Bonhomme B, Miralles CP, Pinal N, Ali R, Chen WV, Maniatis T, De Blas AL*. (2012) Molecular and functional interaction between protocadherin-γC5 and GABAA receptors. Journal of Neuroscience.32:11780-117897.

  13. Li Y, Serwanski DR, Miralles CP, Fiondella CG, Loturco JJ, Rubio ME, De Blas AL*. (2010) Synaptic and non-synaptic localization of protocadherin-γC5 in the rat brain, Journal of Comparative Neurology. 518: 3439-5463.

  14. Li Y, Wu LJ, Li Y, Xu L, Xu TL*. (2003) Mechanisms of H+ modulation of glycine response in rat sacral dorsal commissural neurons. Journal of Physiology. 552:73-87.

  15. Li Y, Li Y, Xu TL*. (2003) Inhibition of glycine response by amiloride in rat spinal neurons. Neuroscience Letters. 345:173-176.

  16. Li Y, Li Y, Xu TL*. (2003) Amiloride inhibition of glycinergic miniature IPSCs in mechanically dissociated rat spinal neurons. Neuroscience Letters.349:17-20.
