陈 勇

2009-2013 香港大学牙医学院 口腔正畸博士;
2001-2004 福建医科大学口腔医学院 口腔正畸硕士;
1996-2001 福建医科大学口腔医学院 口腔医学学士;
2017.08-至今 厦门大学医学院 副教授;
2013.12-2017.08 厦门市口腔医院 副主任医师;
2004.08-2009.08 福建医科大学口腔医学院附属口腔医院 住院及主治医师;
香港大学牙医学院荣誉临床助理教授 (2010-2012)
新型口腔正畸自锁托槽的临床研究, 2015年厦门科技局引导性项目
1. Chen Y, Mallineni SK. Distribution of hypodontia and hyperdontia in concomitant hypo-hyperdontia patients: Critical appraisal of the published data. European Journal of General Dentistry 2017; 6(1), 65-68.
2. Chong HT, Thea KW, Descallar J, Chen Y, Dalci O, Wong R, Darendeliler MA. Comparison of White and Chinese perception of esthetic Chinese lip position. The Angle Orthodontist 2014; 84(2), 246-53
3. Mallineni SK, Panampally GK, Chen Y, Tian T. Mandibular talon cusps: A Systematic review and data analysis. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry 2014; 6(4), e408–e413.
4. Chen Y, Wong R, McGrath C, Hägg U, Seneviratne CJ. Nature compounds containing mouthrinse in the management of dental plaque and gingivitis: a systematic review. Clinical Oral Investigations 2014; 18(1), 1-16
5. Chen Y, Wong R, Seneviratne CJ, Hägg U, McGrath C, Samaranayake LP. The effects of nature compounds containing mouthrinses on the orthodontic patients with fixed appliance treatment: clinical and microbiological outcomes. International Journal of Pediatric Dentistry 2013; 23(6), 452-9
6. Chen Y, Wong R, Seneviratne CJ, Hägg U, McGrath C, Samaranayake LP. Comparison of the antimicrobial activity of Listerine® and Corsodyl® on orthodontic brackets in vitro. American journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 2011; 140(4), 537-42.
7. Chen Y, Wong R, Seneviratne CJ, Hägg U, McGrath C, Samaranayake LP, Kao R. The antimicrobial efficacy of Fructus mume extract on orthodontic bracket: A monospecies-biofilm model study in vitro. Archives of Oral Biology 2011; 56(1), 16-21
8. Seneviratne CJ, Wong R, Hägg U, Chen Y, Herath TD, Samaranayake LP , Kao R. Prunus mume extract exhibits antimicrobial activity against pathogenic oral bacteria. International Journal of Pediatric Dentistry 2011; 21(4), 299-305.